Category Archives: contributor
Mobile Privacy: 5 Legal Concerns for Developers
If you work with mobile apps, you may already know that privacy is a hot issue. Regulators are pushing companies to improve their privacy pract… Continue reading
New iPad: Is Your Content Ready for the HD Tablet Revolution?
It’s time to take tablet design seriously and evaluate how your brand’s web presence caters to tablet consumers. As usual, Apple is the pr… Continue reading
When Does It Make Sense to Outsource Your Software Development?
You don’t need to own app development software — you just think you do.
Often a business encounters one of two scenarios: Either a comp… Continue reading
10 Things to Plan for When Developing a Mobile App
Many companies have mobile apps at the top of their to-do lists, but while churning out a quick app is fairly straightforward, developing a str… Continue reading
Why QR Codes Won’t Last
Like most technology fans, I am always ready and willing to try any technology that promises to simplify my life. QR codes seemed to present a… Continue reading
What Digital Non-Profits Can Learn From Companies Like Google
We live in a world where new digital products are solving problems daily — from managing our finances to remembering the groceries. Often… Continue reading
8 Things You Should Know Before Building a Mobile App
App appeal is obvious. The barrier to entry? So low! The upshot of producing the next Angry Birds or beer-chug simulator? So high! Heck, with j… Continue reading
What to Do When Your Website Gets Hacked
If an individual or activist group broke into an organization’s office, raided confidential materials and then burned the building to the gro… Continue reading
How to Prepare Your Social Game for Massive Growth
Online gaming has steadily grown over the past decade, now generating billions of dollars in annual revenue and representing one of the fastest growing… Continue reading
6 Ways to Give Your App a Leg Up on the Competition
Spend a few minutes browsing through both the Android and Apple app stores and it’s easy to see the fierce competition for user attention… Continue reading