Monthly Archives: November 2011
Spotify Exec Sets Sights on ‘Ubiquitous’ Plans
At its first-ever U.S. press conference, Spotify unveiled on Wednesday a new app platform that allows third-party developers to use the streamin… Continue reading
How to Communicate Your Software Needs to a Developer
It might seem obvious, but effectively communicating your project needs to software developers is more than just important. It could actually m… Continue reading
5 Ways to Prime the Social Pump
Posted by Dr. Pete
You’ve finally finished that epic blog post [infographic, LOLCat, Thundercats remix…] and tomorrow morning you’ll unleash it on the world. So, what should you do between now and then? You could take a nap, sure, o… Continue reading
5 Ways to Prime the Social Pump
Posted by Dr. Pete
You’ve finally finished that epic blog post [infographic, LOLCat, Thundercats remix…] and tomorrow morning you’ll unleash it on the world. So, what should you do between now and then? You could take a nap, sure, o… Continue reading
SEO Salary Guide For Top 20 U.S. Markets [INFOGRAPHIC]
ONWARDsearch released and infographic yesterday called SEO Salary Guide: For Top 20 U.S. Markets that shows you which U.S. markets offer the highest number of SEO-related jobs and what the salary ranges for those markets are. You can download the guide… Continue reading
10 New Google Analytics Features You Need to Start Using
Over the past eight months, Google has steadily released one revolutionary new feature after another. On March 17, the company announced a new … Continue reading
Adobe Invests in Facebook Ad Buying with Acquisition of Efficient Frontier
Early this morning, Adobe announced that it has entered an agreement to purchase Efficient Frontier, which will become part of Adobe’s Digital Marketing Suite. Efficient Frontier is a leader in social, search, and display marketing that utilizes mult… Continue reading
Holiday PPC Checklist
It’s almost that time of year when everyone goes crazy for deals. That time of the year when people spend hours shopping online. This is the time of year when a lot of new Advertisers enter the space, this means that you as a PPC manager or A… Continue reading
Watch the ‘What’s New With Spotify?’ Event With Mashable [LIVE]
Spotify is kicking off its first-ever U.S. press conference in New York City on Wednesday, promising a big announcement about a “new direc… Continue reading
3 Tactics That Can Help Generate More Leads For Your Business
This is the expanded version of my talk at Startup Marketing School in NYC. You can learn more about the series here. In a world that seems to have gone social media crazy, it’s important to not lose sight of the end goal. Businesses are built to acq… Continue reading