1. Self-Guided Bullet
This formidable projectile is more like a micro-mini missile than a bullet. Developed by defense lab Sandia, its self-guidance system lets the four-inch projectile nail a target a mile away.
It doesn’t spin like conventional bullets, because it has fins that make it fly just like a tiny smart bomb. The weirdest part? The farther away its target is, the more accurate it gets.
Still under development, it’s not available yet, but when it is, just hope you’re not on the wrong end of such a guided missile.
[via The Verge and Sandia Labs]
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It’s been an unusual week in the tech world, yielding gadgetry and innovations that are surprising and altogether unexpected. Here are the top 10 we found.
The theme we kept running into in our journey into the techosphere this week was wish fulfillment. We’ve been wishing for a self-refrigerating can for decades; we’ve hoped for a waterproof iPhone, smoother slow-motion on football games, and a high-quality video editing system we could use on a tablet.
Beyond those items, we found lots more. And then, after quenching our thirst for certain conveniences and innovations, we figured it wouldn’t hurt to toss in a couple of superlatives, giving you a gigantic contrast between the tiniest self-propelled vehicle we’ve ever seen and the most gigantic diesel engine we’ve ever imagined. It’s a study of contrasts, indeed.
Come along with us on a journey from the sublime to the ridiculous, as we lay down a gallery of Top 10 Tech This Week.
Here’s last week’s Top 10 Tech.
More About: iphone, Nokia, Top 10 Tech
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