Joyent, which literally sponsors Node.js by, among other things, employing Node creator Ryan Dahl, has just launched, a new hub for the company’s Node.js-specific hosting services.
Joyent’s hosting service uses Git revision control and is backed by Joyent SmartMachines.
Joyent is placing particular emphasis on these Node SmartMachines, which the company says “are what virtual machines would be if they were optimized for software applications instead of being designed to replicate hardware.” SmartMachines are particularly designed with real-time web apps in mind, and they are intended to give better performance and better utilization of hardware resources than traditional server options.
And since Node was built from the ground up for real-time communication, the company figures its SmartMachines are a good fit.
We wrote about open-source Node hosting platform Nodester back when it was NodeFu. Nodester competes with somewhat, but it’s hard to make an apples-and-oranges comparison between a slick, corporation-backed project and a relatively scrappy one from three developers.
If you’re building Node apps of your own, we’re particularly interested to know what you think of Joyent’s latest offering.
As an added bonus, here’s Dahl talking at Joyent’s Node Camp in December:
More About: joyent, node.js, ryan dahl
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