Category Archives: tumblr
10 Premium Tumblr Themes Worth Paying For
Despite what much of the Internet will have you believe, some things are just worth paying for. And while the theme garden over at Tumblr is chock-ful… Continue reading
Tumblr to Sponsor 20+ Bloggers at New York Fashion Week
The fashion community has taken root on Tumblr, and Tumblr is determined to help it grow. The blogging platform recently hired Rich Tong, the founder of social fashion site Weardrobe (acquired by Google in mid-2010), to serve as fashion director. His first big project? Sending more than 20 bloggers to New York Fashion Week next […] Continue reading
Tumblr’s Roadmap Heads Straight for the Creative Community
Tumblr founder David Karp showed up yesterday to christen his company’s new office in Richmond, Virginia. At the opening celebration, the popular blogging platform’s founder spoke extensively about the startup’s plans for the future — plans that definitely set it apart from the product-focused startup scene on the West Coast and plans that will make […] Continue reading