Category Archives: RailsCamp9
RubySource: Dan Cheail, Unplugged.
Given that Dan once ran RubySource and I’d already put a face to the name at one RORO meeting a couple of weeks earlier, it was stellar to actually get to know him better over the weekend. Additionally, I felt the title of Unplugged was justified, as he was playing acoustic guitar through the weekend. He’s as friendly as he is tall, which is taller than average, so he was happy to answer some questions for us! Tell us a some things about yourself, Dan. I started programming using BASIC when I was six, I sort of progressed from there through basic C, Pascal, Visual Basic, until I discovered the web in about ’95 and thought “right, this is for me”. Continue reading
Posted in interview, Interviews, RailsCamp9, Ruby on Rails Tutorials & Articles
Tagged canada, domain, host, hosting, seo, server, web and hosting, web hosting, web server, website
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