Category Archives: pop3
PHPMaster: Creating a Mobile Photo Blog, Part 1
It seems like everyone these days is texting away on their mobile phone or updating their social network status every 5 minutes. It’s no surprise that the convenience of being able to access the Internet from anywhere at any time has made sharing messages and pictures so popular. I can’t imagine going anywhere without my cell phone on the off chance that something interesting might happen and I can document it as if I were the first news reporter on the scene. This is the first article in a two-part series in which I will show you how to create a photo blog as part of your personal website which you can update from your phone simply by sending an email. Continue reading
Posted in .NET, android, content, Get Started, Mobile, Mobile Tutorials & Articles, News & Trends, php, PHP & MySQL Tutorials, php tutorials, pop3, Web Tech
Tagged canada, domain, host, hosting, seo, server, web and hosting, web hosting, web server, website
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