Category Archives: new york city
How New York City Went Digital in 2011
Since 2010, New York City has strived to become a global digital leader. Mayor Michael Bloomberg and commissioner Katherine Oliver announced NYC… Continue reading
Posted in features, innovation, Mobile, new york city
Tagged canada, domain, host, hosting, seo, server, web and hosting, web hosting, web server, website
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New York Times & WNYC Launch SchoolBook to Foster Education Community
On Wednesday, The New York Times and public radio station WNYC launched SchoolBook, a website to provide news, data and discussion about New Yo… Continue reading
Posted in citizen journalism, dev & design, education, media, New York, new york city, News, social networking, the new york times, Web Design, Web Development
Tagged canada, domain, host, hosting, seo, server, web and hosting, web hosting, web server, website
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NYC’s Website Reinvented by the City’s First Hackathon
About 75 developers from across the United States (and at least one from Canada) accepted New York City Chief Digital Officer Rachel Sterne̵… Continue reading
Posted in general assembly, government, hackathon, new york city, News, politics, rachel sterne
Tagged canada, domain, host, hosting, seo, server, web and hosting, web hosting, web server, website
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10 Reasons Why City Governments Should Embrace Hackathons
Today is the last day to sign up for Reinvent NYC.GOV, the City’s first-ever hackathon. Civic-minded designers and developers who want to… Continue reading
Posted in Channels, contributor, dev, developer, features, government, hack, hackathon, New York, new york city, NYC,, Political, politics, social media
Tagged canada, domain, host, hosting, seo, server, web and hosting, web hosting, web server, website
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