The iconic Haynes Manuals, those encyclopedic tomes containing all the DIY knowledge any shade-tree mechanic needs to repair his or her car, are finally going to be available in digital form.
Called Haynes MOL (Manuals Online), the products will give home mechanics the same trusted information they’ve expected from print manuals for more than 50 years.
The manuals have been a mainstay in the home garage, containing hundreds of pictures and step-by-step instructions. They show readers how to do everything from a simple oil change to replacing a power steering pump.
Haynes Manuals are an empowering way for many car owners to save money and learn a lot about internal combustion engines as they maintain and repair their own vehicles — just as this writer did throughout college with the help of several Haynes Manuals and a string of clunkers.
The company has never before published online car repair manuals, but it has now begun demonstrating an electronic version of the manuals to major auto-repair retailers in the United States.
So why online manuals now? As it turns out, Haynes acquired digital shop Vivid Holding BV three years ago, and the online books represent a collaboration between the Haynes editorial team and Vivid’s tech team.
Haynes will begin its MOL roll-out with the 50 most popular Haynes titles, which will be for sale by subscription in the fall of 2011. The MOLs will also be tablet- and mobile-friendly. As the launch continues, more titles will be added. Print manual sales will also continue.
You’ll be able to purchase the manuals at or from any Haynes retailer’s website.
More About: car repais, diy, haynes, haynes manual, haynes manuals, haynes manuals online, online books
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