The team behind Trendrr is open-sourcing a homebrewed suite of tools for Python development.
These tools, collectively called Whirlwind, build off Facebook’s Tornado — the name is an obvious reference to that fact — and rely on Mako templates and MongoDB, one of the more popular NoSQL database technologies. Whirlwind was created by the Trendrr devs as the framework for the latest version of Trendrr, a social media analytics tool for businesses.
Trendrr dev Matt Dennebaum wrote on the parent company’s blog, “As the focus of our business has shifted from overtime to realtime, we quickly realized that our previous web stack just wasn’t built for speed.
“We did a lot of digging around and came up with a stack that was a much better fit for managing and delivering the massive amounts of data we process in a much more real-time manner.”
With an emphasis on high speed, Whirlwind also delivers session management, a middleware plugin system, structured app templates, flash messaging, role-based user authentication, a simple admin script for making new apps and secret hashes, a database and file logger, and ever so much more.
The idea is that all these tools will make building fast apps faster. And the Trendrr devs aren’t ones to hide their light under a bushel, so to speak, so they’re open sourcing the entire project.
Better frameworks for the real-time web have been something of a focus on Mashable‘s “Dev & Design” channel — specifically, we’ve been taking a long, hard look at how Node.js is giving JavaScript devs better tools for building real-time web apps. As more of these types of tools, frameworks and languages pop up, we’ll be sure to pass them on to you for your inspection.
That being said, take a look at the Whirlwind GitHub pages, and let us know what you think in the comments.
More About: developers, development, framework, Python, Trendrr, whirlwind
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