Monthly Archives: January 2011
Wadhwa on the Search Engine “Spam Wars”
The name “Vivek Wadhwa” gained a much larger recognition after this writer wrote a feisty piece titled “Why We Desperately Need a New (and Better) Google.” In this piece, Wadhwa expressed how major the spam issues in automated search results were becoming, and the next few weeks saw a ripple effect through the industry; tech […]
Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.
Will Digital Asset Optimization Be the New SEO?
I’ll willingly admit that I’m not always the first to hear of a new term. My first reaction to “have you heard of [insert your term here]” is to go on a researching expedition. Eventually, I’ll talk about it on Facebook, Twitter, and sometimes the SEO forums I hang out in. Now, DAO – Digital […]
Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.
Battening Down the Hatches for a Link Bait Brainstorm
Creating great link bait is something of an art. Everyone wants to originate that one great piece that goes as a viral as the plague. But the key to making any attempt at link bait successful is in the planning stages. That’s why when the creative wind is blowing it’s time to nail up the […]
Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.
Marketing Mobile Applications Effectively
Applications are big, and I mean “sliced bread” big. Not only are they becoming a major part of overall mobile use, but it is becoming rare to find a business that doesn’t offer some kind of application to further expand their corporate agenda. Even small businesses are getting on board, with free apps that make […]
Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.
The Podium: Top 3 SEO Tools for 2011
Man is a tool-using animal. Without tools he is nothing, with tools he is all. Thomas Carlyle At 9:30am on this lovely Tuesday morning I was embarking upon a quest of epic proportions, traversing (relatively) great distances in search of a prize which seemed forever out of reach. Dodging the last of a passing troupe […]
Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.
The Main Takeaways From The Conference Click Asia Summit 2011 – “ The Power Of Digital And Mobile Marketing In Asia”
Click Asia Summit was recently conducted in Mumbai – India (from the 20th January 2011 to 23rd January 2011) focusing on digital and mobile marketing in Asia. Asia is undoubtedly a large market and a growing market with people who are fast adopting and adapting to the E-commerce, M-commerce and the social media worlds on […]
Check out the SEO Tools guide at Search Engine Journal.
Making the Most Of The Page Title For SEO
WebmasterWorld Members discuss latest thinking on page titles for SEO purposes.Are you limited to 70 characters, what about page title case, or special characters? Continue reading
Microsoft Releases a ‘Fix-it’ For Scripting Vulnerabilty In IE
…we’re releasing Security Advisory 2501696, which describes a publicly disclosed scripting vulnerability affecting all versions of Microsoft Windows. The main impact of the vulnerability is unintended information disclosure.The vulnerability lies in … Continue reading
Facebook Places Deals Launches In Europe
Facebook made a significant move into the potentially lucrative local business advertising space on Monday with the launch in the UK and other European countries of Places Deals, which gives users discounts and benefits with nearby shops, restaurants a… Continue reading
Five Ways to Get Links From Fan Sites
Posted by RobOusbeyWhatever your site’s topic, whether you are very niche or broad, B2C or B2B, a retailer or a publisher – there are likely to be independent fan sites that overlap with the subjects on your site. By fan site, I mean fan clubs, un… Continue reading