Landing on an error paging while surfing the Internet is usually an unpleasant experience, but some web designers add a bit of sunshine to the world with their quirky 404 error pages.
We recently featured some of the most entertaining 404 error pages and asked users to share their favorites. Submitting a few classics that we missed, as well as a bunch of little-known gems, Mashable readers responded in droves.
We picked out some of the best user-submitted 404 errors to share here. We hope you enjoy them, and as always, add your own in the comments below!
True to its name, 8bitpeoples’s 404 error page features a conversation between two 8-bit birds.
Apparent Etch
Don’t be afraid to redefine the 404 error page. Acronyms welcome.
Who knew that a site for free ringtones could have such an artistic 404 error page?
Rule #1 of the Internet: cute animals always win.
Adham Dannaway
“Mmm. Lost a page, Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing.” — Yoda
Austin Coolers
Dragon boat team Austin Coolers’s 404 error page aligns with its sporty nature… but I’m really curious about this George guy and his “nice back.” What’s that all about?
Some of the most creative error pages are those that integrate the brand’s logo or mascot —’s pufferfish makes an appearance on its 404 error page.
BligDeal’s panda mascot, Bliggy, adds the necessary adorable factor to its 404 error page.
Blizzard Entertainment
If you can’t think of what to say on your 404 error page, just blame the user. That usually goes over well.
Once again, cute animals always win.
Who ate the last cookie? Dagnabit.
Get a bunch of design geeks together, and this is what they come up with. Well, it’s certainly eye-catching.
It’s true. Some people just like 404 pages.
When users empathize with your mascot, maybe they don’t take 404 pages so hard? Seems to be a theme.
iContact turns things upside-down with its 404 error page. Literally.
We think it’s funny that the team at IWearYourShirt got together to stage a 404 error page.
K International
We’re not sure who created the milk carton 404 error page first — Hootsuite or K International — but it seems to be working.
Try not to “Internet too hard,” or this could happen to you.
The Museum of Modern Art’s 404 page is especially artistic, featuring an image of Edward Ruscha’s “OOF” piece.
NE Patriots Draft
Touchdown! Themed error page for the win!
NPR’s error page redirects misguided users to stories about other lost people, places and things. Love it.
Pet lovers everywhere will smile in delight when they find this adorable 404 error page. Oh, Fido, calm down.
Sometimes pure ingenuity does the trick.
Reef Light Interactive
Reef Light Interactive got creative with their lighthouse logo for this error page.
SLBJ Women’s Conference
How do make potential St. Louis Business Journal Women’s Conference attendees cringe? Show them a 404 error page featuring an unhappy infant.
Spiritual But Not Religious
Spiritual But Not Religious (SBNR) is “dedicated to serving the millions of people worldwide who walk a spiritual path outside traditional religion.” Its 404 error page adds a bit of insight for lost souls everywhere.
Telltale Games
This error page is beautiful in its simplicity, much like that of The Brand Surgery’s 404 page.
Texts From Last Night
It’s all fun and games, until someone tosses his salad.
Only an online community of teachers could pull off this 404 error page.
Sorry, your web page is toast.
The only thing sadder than a crying baby photo is a crying racoon GIF image… well, okay, maybe not quite.
Hover over one of the options on this error page to make the penguin happy again!
More Dev & Design Resources from Mashable:
– 35 Entertaining 404 Error Pages
– Turn Your Twitter Icon Into an Animated GIF
– HOW TO: Get More Out of Your Fonts
– 5 Free Annotation and Collaboration Tools for Web Projects
– 8 Tools For Easily Creating a Mobile Version of Your Website
More About: 404 error, design, dev, gallery, List, Lists, pics, trending, web design
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